Source code for camel.prompts.prompt_templates

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import warnings
from typing import Any, Optional

from camel.prompts import TaskPromptTemplateDict, TextPrompt
from camel.typing import RoleType, TaskType

[docs]class PromptTemplateGenerator: r"""A class for generating prompt templates for tasks. Args: task_prompt_template_dict (TaskPromptTemplateDict, optional): A dictionary of task prompt templates for each task type. If not provided, an empty dictionary is used as default. """ def __init__( self, task_prompt_template_dict: Optional[TaskPromptTemplateDict] = None, ) -> None: self.task_prompt_template_dict = (task_prompt_template_dict or TaskPromptTemplateDict())
[docs] def get_prompt_from_key(self, task_type: TaskType, key: Any) -> TextPrompt: r"""Generates a text prompt using the specified :obj:`task_type` and :obj:`key`. Args: task_type (TaskType): The type of task. key (Any): The key used to generate the prompt. Returns: TextPrompt: The generated text prompt. Raises: KeyError: If failed to generate prompt using the specified :obj:`task_type` and :obj:`key`. """ try: return self.task_prompt_template_dict[task_type][key] except KeyError: raise KeyError("Failed to get generate prompt template for " f"task: {task_type.value} from key: {key}.")
[docs] def get_system_prompt( self, task_type: TaskType, role_type: RoleType, ) -> TextPrompt: r"""Generates a text prompt for the system role, using the specified :obj:`task_type` and :obj:`role_type`. Args: task_type (TaskType): The type of task. role_type (RoleType): The type of role, either "USER" or "ASSISTANT". Returns: TextPrompt: The generated text prompt. Raises: KeyError: If failed to generate prompt using the specified :obj:`task_type` and :obj:`role_type`. """ try: return self.get_prompt_from_key(task_type, role_type) except KeyError: prompt = "You are a helpful assistant." warnings.warn("Failed to get system prompt template for " f"task: {task_type.value}, role: {role_type.value}. " f"Set template to: {prompt}") return TextPrompt(prompt)
[docs] def get_generate_tasks_prompt( self, task_type: TaskType, ) -> TextPrompt: r"""Gets the prompt for generating tasks for a given task type. Args: task_type (TaskType): The type of the task. Returns: TextPrompt: The generated prompt for generating tasks. """ return self.get_prompt_from_key(task_type, "generate_tasks")
[docs] def get_task_specify_prompt( self, task_type: TaskType, ) -> TextPrompt: r"""Gets the prompt for specifying a task for a given task type. Args: task_type (TaskType): The type of the task. Returns: TextPrompt: The generated prompt for specifying a task. """ return self.get_prompt_from_key(task_type, "task_specify_prompt")